Sunday afternoon 21 January @Inkwell 1.30pm start £9/7 (NUS £5)
Will Howard – tenor sax
Matt Aplin – piano
Sam Jackson – double bass
John Arnesen – drums
Matthew Aplin is a jazz pianist and composer based in Leeds. He leads Treppenwitz, a piano trio dedicated to the exploration of sounds within open structures. Treppenwitz released their debut album, Short+Long Ditties, on New Jazz Records in 2016. They are due to tour the UK through February and March.
Matthew has toured the UK and Europe with a variety of other projects, including: KOG and the Zongo Brigade; Mansion of Snakes; People Poems; Tarantismo; and many others.
This band made its debut as trio in November, and this will be their first outing as a quartet. They will be playing the music of Duke Ellington, Thelonious Monk, Benny Golson and others.